
2020’s College Entrance Examination

Today is the slight heat. It means the weather will be hotter and hotter.

Slight heat is not the hottest period in a one year. Great heat will be. So there is a folk saying
that “slight heat and great heat are steamed and boiled down”.

In this slight heat period, thousands of students across the country are taking the most
important test of their lives—the National College Entrance Exam, which has been postponed
for a month because of the epidemic.

This year’s college entrance examination students, due to the impact of the epidemic, are special.

Their traditional learning order has been broken because school was suspended and then rebuilt
because the online teaching was carried out. 

Different from group class and review in school, this is a comprehensive feedback of self-control,
concentration and adaptability.

Who is more disciplined and who is works harder?

All of this depends on students themselves.


Young students always think the College Entrance  Examination is the most important and it holds
the most important period time in their whole life.

In some sense, so it is.

While with the time going and all young students experience more and more important things,
their thinking will be changed.

The College Entrance Examination is just one test, while hard-working is a whole-life thing.

Sincerely hope all students could get the 12 years’ return of hard-working.

                Go all out.

                    May you success.


  • 2020/7/6 5:41:49